Monday, 26 August 2013

Altyd en vir Ewig by Jade Solomons Grade 9

Waarom dink ouers altyd dat tieners te jonk is vir ware liefde?  Jamie en Aiden het van die begin af geweet dit is Altyd en vir Ewig.

Jamie se vriendin, Taryn, het ‘n Oujaarsaand-partytjie by haar huis gehou, en ‘n paar vriende genooi.  Jamie en Taryn is albei 15 jaar oud.  By die partytjie het Jamie vir Aiden opgemerk. Aiden is 16 jaar oud en - snaaks: elke keer as hy na haar kyk, word haar bene lam.   En toe begin hulle gesels. En gesels.  Teen die einde van die aand vra Aiden of hy weer vir Jamie kan sien.

Die volgende Vrydag het Jamie baie gelukkig gevoel, want sy sou Aiden die volgende dag weer sien. Haar ma het Jamie se goeie bui opgemerk.  Haar ma vra haar uit. Jamie besluit om haar ma van Aiden te vertel, en haar ma was baie gelukkig.

Maar toe haar pa daarvan te hore kom, was hy baie vies. “Jy is hopeloos te jonk om met seuns uit te gaan!” roep hy uit.  Maar in sy hart is daar ‘n benoudheid.  Hy besef dat sy dogtertjie besig is om groot te word, en hy wil haar nie loslaat nie.  “Nonsens, jy sien nie weer vir daardie seun nie,” sê hy.  Jamie storm in trane na haar kamer toe.

Die volgende dag het sy haar ouers gevra of sy by Taryn kan gaan oorslaap, en hulle het haar toestemming gegee.  Toe sy by Taryn aankom, het sy haar treurige storie vertel.  Maar Jamie was steeds vasbeslote om vir Aiden te sien, en sy het vir Taryn laat belowe om nie vir Jamie se ma of pa te vertel dat sy – Jamie – daardie middag vir Aiden sou ontmoet nie.

Daardie Saterdagmiddag het Jamie senuweeagtig in Canal Walk gestaan en wag vir Aiden. Toe hy opdaag, neem hy haar na ‘n roomys-winkel, en daarna stap hulle met roomyse in die hand na Wonderland.  Daar het hulle op dansmatte gedans en toe hulle moeg was, op die rusbank gaan sit en gesels.  Hulle het gelag oor hoe hulle gedans het.  Jamie was dolgelukkig.  Maar toe breek die tyd aan dat sy na Taryn se huis moes terugkeer.  Aiden het saam met haar na Taryn se huis geloop. 

Nou was die twee smoorverlief, en daarna het hulle altyd gereël om iewers te ontmoet, sonder dat Jamie se ouers geweet het. Maar ná twee weke besluit Jamie sy kan nie so agter haar ouers se rug aangaan nie.    Sy móét haar gevoelens met hulle bespreek.

“Ma, pa…” begin sy die aand oor aandete.   “Ek kan nie help nie, maar ek het weer vir Aiden gesien…”

Haar ma en pa staar verstom na haar. “Wat!” bars haar pa uit.  “Wag nou, ou man,” tree haar ma dadelik tussenbeide.  “Kom, laat ek en jy net gou ‘n bietjie gesels,” en haar ma neem haar pa na die slaapkamer, en los vir Jamie alleen in haar benoudheid.

Toe haar ouers ‘n rukkie later weer in die kombuis verskyn, het haar pa ‘n bietjie meer ontspanne gelyk.  “Nou maar gaaf, “sê hy, “Maar eers moet ek die knaap ontmoet. Sê hy moet môre-aand vir aandete kom.”   Die volgende dag het Jamie se ouers vir Aiden ontmoet – en van hom gehou.

Van toe af was Jamie en Aiden gekys. Hulle het hul verhouding baie ernstig opgeneem.  Hulle het ook besef dat hulle nie net vriende kan bly nie, en dat hulle die verhouding verder wou neem. Mettertyd het hulle oor trou gepraat, en die kinders wat hulle eendag wou hê.

Twintig jaar later is hulle steeds gelukkig getroud, met twee kinders van hul eie. Hulle het ‘n seuntjie, Austin, wat tien jaar oud is, en ‘n dogtertjie, Jackie, wat 13 is.  Die gesin is klein maar geheg en baie gelukkig.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Ariana String Quartet from the University of Missouri

The Ariana String Quartet from the University of Missouri visited us at GHSHS on Monday, 12 August 2013.  They rendered an extremely energetic performance to the whole school,  thereafter they showed the music girls the structure of the instruments and how sound is produced on each. 

Comments from learners:  Yo,  ma,am!  That was awesome!  The girls thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were confident enough to ask intelligent questions.  

Well done, Girls!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Congratulations to Anita Dama on her Merit Award in the Cape Town Creative Academy's Inaugural Competition

Anita Dama, a Grade 12 young lady, was entered into the CTCA's Inaugural Art and Design Competition.  The competition was open to all pupils in the Cape area.  We are extremely proud of Anita.  Her art work is of an exemplary standard!  She is also to be congratulated on having her art on exhibition at an art gallery for the first time!

Special mention must be made of Mrs Ingrid van der Heijden, the art teacher.  Mrs van der Heijden works tirelessly to ensure that the girls achieve the best that they can!  Thank you, Ingrid, for your dedication to our girls!

Well done, Anita!  I am sure we will hear much more about this talented young artist in years to come!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Address by Phumeza Shenxane to the Junior Town Council on Madiba's birthday

"As a man, Nelson is passionate, emotional, sensitive, quickly stung to bitterness and retaliation by insult and patronage.  He has a natural air of authority.  He cannot help magnetising a crowd.  He is commanding with a tall, handsome bearing;  trusts and is trusted by the youth for their impatience reflects his own;  appealing to women.  He is dedicated and fearless.  He is a born mass leader."  This is an extract from a book I recently read, written by Professor William Gumede.  The book is titled 'Nelson Mandela, No Easy Walk to Freedom'.  These words were said by Nelson Mandela's long time friend and partner, Oliver Tambo.

Recently, one of my favourite writers, Shaka Sisulu (grandson to Walter and Albertina Sisulu) tweeted, "What would you ask Mandela if you had to meet him?"  I remember thinking, I would ask him if he really liked those printed shirts they made him wear?

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, a Xhosa born to the uThembu royal family.  Born to Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Knosi Mphakanyiswa.  uTata grew up hearing stories of his ancestors valour during the wars of resistance.  He dreamed of making his own contribution to the struggle of our people.  A former Johannesburg attorney who, together with his best friend, established South Africa's first black law firm.

As I read through Madiba's history and background, I discovered that Mandela was meant for greatness.  Born into royalty, then becoming the very first person in his family to attend secondary school, establishing South Africa's first black law firm in 1952 and, the biggest one of them all, becoming South Africa's first democratic president.  Reading through all of this, you cannot help but admire who he is, and be grateful for all the extraordinary things he has done for our country.

On Thurday, 18 July 2013, we celebrated Mandela Day, and on this day uTata ask each and every South African to do something meaningful for someone else.  To me, this day means we take the values, morals and lessons that Madiba has taught over the years and we put them into practice.  It means that for 67 minutes we live through uBuntu and we celebrate what makes us proud to be South African.

As uTata spends his 44th day in hospital, in a critical, but stable condition, we honour and celbrate him for he bears an enormous and inspiring legacy for his people, and the world of recognition, genuine human sacrifice, which, if adopted by humankind, can have remarkable results.

Thanks to this big guy, we have an opportunity to pioneer, to take our place in the world and become what our great grandparents, grandparents and our own parents imagined we could never be.  Imprtantly, we have become a united South Africa;  a South Africa that is alive with possibility! So, let every day be a Mandela Day!

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Happy birthday, President Nelson Mandela

After the birthday assembly, the girls assembled on the lawn to form a 95 and to sing happy birthday to Madiba!

Friday, 12 April 2013

Words by Hayley Southgate


The Lord is my Shepherd

I walk with him always

No matter how hard life can be

I know He'll never leave my side

Years have come and gone

and yet He's still by my side

Greatest love of all is



How can we love life, when so many things
are standing in our way?

So many worldly things are taking over our lives,
people, people who press us down
telling us we're not worth it.

How can we love life, when everything goes wrong?

We try our best and look what we get,
nothing, nothing at all.

We can love life, when we have that 
special person right by our side, 
to hold our hand, hold it through all heartaches and pains.
All that life throws at us!


Love of our Creator is wonderful,
He cares for the needy
No matter if they suffer from AIDS or Cancer.
Our Creator cares for us in many ways.
He shows us His love in many ways.
Like the sunshine, He gives us
to brighten up our day.
He gives us joy, happiness and love
to fill our hearts.
He even forgives us for our wrong doings,
He's always there to lift us up
when we fall.
When in troubled times we pray,
He listens.
How wonderful is the love of our Creator!


We never show what we really feel,
or who we really are.

We always cover up what we really care about
or protect our hearts 
for we are afraid it might be broken.

Why cover or hide, go out there!
Let your heart be broken,
accept the experience and learn
from your mistakes!

For we only live once!  
So, enjoy it while you can!


You're amazing
just the way you are!
Don't need to change for anybody.

You're amazing,
anyone can see that.
When will you believe that?
You are nothing, if not amazing!

Your smile makes me happy,
when you're sad, you make me sad.
You're the best,
just the way your are!

Maths by Hayley Southgate

Dear Maths

Don't ask me to find your x

She is not coming back!

Don't ask me y either!

Love Student

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tears by Samkeliswe Nkimollens Sekese Grade 8


tears, yes tears, those little droplets with a pinch of salt, that run down your cheeks, 
or whatever you may call them.
We all shed tears whether we are babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults or the elderly. 
It just makes no difference.  
When I cry, blubber, grizzle, shed tears, snivel, sob, wail, weep, whimper or whinge, you do so, too.
I can never erase the times you've hurt me an put those tears on my face, but I will be able to forgive you,
but I might never forget.
So, when a tear drop runs down my face, wipe it away for me, 
for it won't be long before you'll need me to do the same for you.
When I have fallen,
wipe those tears.
When I cry,
wipe those tears.
When I am unsuccessful,
wipe those tears.
When I am abused,
wipe those tears.
When no one listens,
wipe those tears;
and, when I am heartbroken,
wipe those tears.
At the end of the day, you would have helped a sibling: 
helped a nation!

Love Suicide by Vuyolwethu Mbewu Grade 8


Suicidal thoughts running through my
Parts of you in my memory are starting
to fade
What am I do to, I once called you
my heart
It doesn't seem to feel as though it knows that
we are apart
Should I sit there an forever 
feels like I'm hungry, waiting for an 
empty plate
Suicidal thoughts running through my head
this heart of mine knows death

Outing to the Taalmonument

Almal, leerders en onderwysers, was baie opgewonde toe ons Vrydagoggend,
8 Maart 2013, die pad vat Paarl toe.  Selfs die reën kon nie ons vrolikheid demp nie.  By die museum kon leerders sien hoe mense 150 jaar gelede gewoon het.  Die matrikulante het veral die snaakse plekname geniet, soos bv.

Die Muslimleerders was aangenaam verras om te hoor dat die eerste Afrikaans in Arabiese skrif geskryf is deur ‘n Imam in die Bo-Kaap.

By die Taalmonument het die reën met mening uitgesak, maar sodra dit ophou, was ons uit om na die gidse se verduideliking van die betekenis van die verskillende simbole te luister en veral hoe die verskillende tale en kulture tot die vorming van Afrikaans bygedra het.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Life by Samkelisiwe Nkimolleng Sekese Grade 8

Life is a journey.  It is not about waiting for opportunities to drop your way, but learning how to dance in the rain.  Life is funny, mysterious, saddening, full of adventures, surprises, mistakes and much, much more!  So that is the life you think you're having;  on no!  Let me tell you what life is ...

Life is when you have to walk away with a blue eye in order to win a fight.

Life is when an enemy says, "you have won the battle, but not the war".

Life is when you hit your big toe on a rock and you struggle to walk.

Life is when you're surrounded by judgmental people who make you feel inferior.

Life is when people would do their utmost just to bring you down.

Life is when you marry the love of your dreams hoping it will be "till death do us part".

Life is when your parents reprimand you in order to instill respect.

Life is when an educator punishes you so that you can learn from your faults.

Life is when someone pushes you and you try to push back.

Life is when you try your best but find it hard to succeed.

Life is when your friends treat you differently and you learn to adapt to various people.

Life is when one door closes and God opens another.

Life is when the oceans, rivers, lakes are empty and you search for water.

Life is when you go to confession and repent for your sins.

Life is when you turn to the Father, Almighty for guidance when in need.

Life is when you count your blessings because many are less fortunate.

Last, but not least, life is when death knocks on your door and you open to be deceased.

Now, that is Life!

Valentines poem by Layla Smith Grade 8

I wrote your name 
in the sand but
the waves washed it 

I wrote your name 
in the sky but
the wind blew it

I wrote your name
in my heart, 
because that's where
you belong,
In my heart forever
and ever!


Friday, 8 February 2013

A Rainbow Nation by Nabeelah Adams Grade 8

District Six, our heritage, our culture
Stolen from us, taken away
Because of our different colours
Because we believed in unity,
In a nation where colour doesn't matter.

Our dreams,
Our choices, our freedom
Withheld from us
All because of our skin colour 
Why did we stand for this?
Why did we not fight?

I know one thing for sure
Me and my children will never 
Experience District Six,
But one day I hope to 
Restore it

I want to feel the music,
The unity, the culture,
The feeling of family
As it was

I want to experience 
What I've been told
Not just listen

To people telling me
What it is

It's no use telling us
"D6 this"  "D6 that"
We need to experience it for ourselves
Our ancestors went through
Bad things like
But out of this we gained
Good things,
The constitution, freedom,
Unity, and finally District Six

It may have been destroyed
But it lives in out hearts
Our souls, out blood,
and, most importantly, in our

Childhood by Aphiwe Mani Grade 8

Being a child is my best friend
I have the chance to design and plan my future
Everyday I add new plans to my poster
I put new decorations and features
Childhood is my post precious gift.

I believe that God created everyone
with a bright future.
Yes, people may struggle but God would 
never struggle with giving them a blessed life.
Being rich and wealthy does not mean having
a lot of money, but it means sharing 
your richness and wealth with with everyone else
who is not as wealthy as you are and,
that means having a bright future.

When we wake up;  we have to thank 
God for waking us up.
There are people who did not get a chance to wake up.
Each day;  I begin a new chapter and close the old one.
I only focus on tomorrow and today because
I cannot change yesterday, but I can change and 
make tomorrow brighter.
We have to leave the past where it belongs 
and focus on the future.
The past cannot be changed but the future can be brighter.
Never forget, God is the greatest Author.

Oh joy by Yonela Fakashe

Oh Joy
Oh Joy
My miseries you destroy
you seep in through open doors
the sound of laughter pours

Oh joy, how I yearn for you
floating on clouds so bright and blue
the skip in my walk
smiling so much, everyone turns to gawk
how could one be so happy?
Ooh, but her?  Why, shes's usually so snappy
she's usually cold
never wants to be told
but today ...

She's kind and warm
skipping around in that green uniform

oh my, one can only wonder

how I'm growing fond of her
I wonder and I wonder

Turns out she got an A in Maths
And yes, these are all facts
or NOT!
Just a poem that has been brewing in my poem pot.

Friday, 1 February 2013

The frightening steps of High School

By Mu'minah Gertze

The frightening steps of High School

It felt as if it was just yesterday we were entering the gates of Good Hope Seminary Girls High School for the first time.  We entered those gates frightened and small:  attached to our parents, our nails clenched into their hands, not wanting to let go.

Today we are stepping into the school still frightened because of what lies ahead, but also excited and confident because of the new adventures that will fill us with more memories and knowledge.

We have learnt so much from many of our teachers:  whether it was help with school problems or life lessons, and we will be forever grateful.

2013?  A year of memorable matric legends who will be making Good Hope proud.  We are excited for the year ahead and will be sure to make it one to remember!

Good luck to all!

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

By Cindy sobotker, Kauthar Isaacs and Head of School, Nadine Fielding

At the daunting gates of Good Hope Seminary High, small nervous recruits entered the school with fully packed back-packs, which were half their size.  We couldn't help, but laugh because they resembled baby turtles at their first experience of entering the ocean.  We stared after noticing the irony of the parents looking more terrified than their daughters!  It was sight to behold!

While talking the recruits on a tour around the school, the first complaint was about the never ending flights of stairs they had to climb.  The many rules of the school overwhelmed them, but they soon adapted and finally accepted them.

Usually, when entering a new environment, you are withdrawn, scared or even a little shy.  These Grade 8's of 2013 were brave, and tackled the unknown head on!  Yes, we had our moments when we had to reprimand them, as they are a very talkative bunch, but that very characteristic made them bond with each other as well as with the Leadership Team faster than we expected.

It was a new experience for everyone and new experiences usually have their obstacles, but we successfully overcame those obstacles and it all worked out well in the end.

Monday, 28 January 2013

To Live ... by Bulelwa Mgujulwa Grade 12

This is an essay written by one of our Grade 12 ladies:

Society has taught us that a human being is born, gets and education, works and then dies.  Basically, that everyone just exists.  However, in the rarest occasions we can truly say that one has lived.  i truly believed that everyone just exists until I met Oom Oubaas, a local taxi driver.

Every morning at seven o'clock sharp, in his then white, now grey, peak cap, tattered suit and takkies, Oom Oubaas welcomes his passengers:  "Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.  I am Oubaas, your captain for this journey.  I ensure you a safe and comfortable trip."  In his mind, he pictures himself as a young, handsome captain of a ship as big as the Titanic.

He sits on the driver's seat with pride:  shoulders square, sunglasses on and hands at two o'clock, like he is literally steering a ship.  He gets off at every stop to open the door for his passengers, as the door is faulty.  That does not faze him on bit.  His hands manoeuvre the door with an experienced swiftness that only he can master.  Then he bows to all the ladies with a confidence fit for the King of England.

On rare occasions Oom Oubaas picks a lady to dance with.  The KFC stoep being his ballroom floor.  He strides with an old-fashioned grace that contradicts his charm.  He does not mind the foul looks he receives from bystanders because to him, they are an audience.  He imagines them smiling, bowing and curtsying for he is the king and he  is dancing with his queen.

Oom Oubaas is not the type of person whose life is fulfilled by money, family and friends.  No, he lives through his imagination.  He imagines himself going to bed each night in a one hundred percent silk robe, in a palace, and not his four year old striped pajamas in a rented shack in some back yard in Mitchell's Plain.  His tattered suit is a Fabiani tailored morning suit made just for him.  He imagines himself attending a banquet every Thursday night at a neighbouring palace and not queuing for food at the soup kitchen in the community hall.

If you are fortunate enought to take Oom Oubaas' taxi one day, bow and curtsy to him, for he is a King.  Greet him with a smile because he might just honour you with a dance.  Lastly, never look down on him because he lives . . .  Do you?