Monday, 11 March 2013

Tears by Samkeliswe Nkimollens Sekese Grade 8


tears, yes tears, those little droplets with a pinch of salt, that run down your cheeks, 
or whatever you may call them.
We all shed tears whether we are babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults or the elderly. 
It just makes no difference.  
When I cry, blubber, grizzle, shed tears, snivel, sob, wail, weep, whimper or whinge, you do so, too.
I can never erase the times you've hurt me an put those tears on my face, but I will be able to forgive you,
but I might never forget.
So, when a tear drop runs down my face, wipe it away for me, 
for it won't be long before you'll need me to do the same for you.
When I have fallen,
wipe those tears.
When I cry,
wipe those tears.
When I am unsuccessful,
wipe those tears.
When I am abused,
wipe those tears.
When no one listens,
wipe those tears;
and, when I am heartbroken,
wipe those tears.
At the end of the day, you would have helped a sibling: 
helped a nation!

Love Suicide by Vuyolwethu Mbewu Grade 8


Suicidal thoughts running through my
Parts of you in my memory are starting
to fade
What am I do to, I once called you
my heart
It doesn't seem to feel as though it knows that
we are apart
Should I sit there an forever 
feels like I'm hungry, waiting for an 
empty plate
Suicidal thoughts running through my head
this heart of mine knows death

Outing to the Taalmonument

Almal, leerders en onderwysers, was baie opgewonde toe ons Vrydagoggend,
8 Maart 2013, die pad vat Paarl toe.  Selfs die reën kon nie ons vrolikheid demp nie.  By die museum kon leerders sien hoe mense 150 jaar gelede gewoon het.  Die matrikulante het veral die snaakse plekname geniet, soos bv.

Die Muslimleerders was aangenaam verras om te hoor dat die eerste Afrikaans in Arabiese skrif geskryf is deur ‘n Imam in die Bo-Kaap.

By die Taalmonument het die reën met mening uitgesak, maar sodra dit ophou, was ons uit om na die gidse se verduideliking van die betekenis van die verskillende simbole te luister en veral hoe die verskillende tale en kulture tot die vorming van Afrikaans bygedra het.